Meeting chaired by Jennifer Markle (Staff Rep.) and Lila Elliston (President).
Attendance for Treasurer’s election: Between 5 -7 pm
Agenda motioned by Lila seconded by Lucille Adeva
Shared screen with Membership
Land Acknowledgement and Statement of Respect read by Jennifer Markle.
Treasurer Nominations
Lila informed the GMM that the Local is paying for half of the room cost for Educationals for all stewards and LEC members, due to Covid protocols & past practise (as head office only pays for shared accommodation).
When stewards help with Union business on their day off, $45 was past practice and is being continued by the current LEC – no objection from the members.
Lila also shared the Treasurer Report with a closing bank balance of $118,361.67 as on May 9th 2022.
Open Forum
Meeting adjourned at 7:02 pm.